Wednesday, April 06, 2005

This morning, I waited impatiently for my toast to finish. Afraid the toaster had decided to char it, I went to check and found I had not even put it in. :-) It reminds me of other times...

---Of talking with the eye doctor's receptionist and asking her to reschedule my slot for a Tuesday, because that way the reminder call would be on MONDAY, not FRIDAY. After all, every day is a brand new world, and between Friday and Monday is a whole entire universe!

---Of the times when I am driving and suddenly panic about where my car keys are.

---Of sitting at a stop sign and waiting for the green light.

God MUST have a sense of humor! :-)

Thanks, Lord, for the times that You and I share a chuckle! Help me remember to never take myself too seriously!

Friday, April 01, 2005

What I want to know is this:

If I have an afternoon "off" to go shopping for my husband's birthday gift, am I expected to return rested and refreshed

...if we balance the checkbook FIRST, on the LAST day of the month?
...if I have to navigate 5 p.m. traffic on the busiest side of town, with a load of whisky barrels, potting soil, and gravel in the back of my SUV?
...if my outing ends with grocery shopping at HEB, where I never shop, cannot find anything, and takes 1 1/2 hours?

Just wondering.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Our church and our Bible class are both studying the book of Ecclesiates.

As a stay at home mom, I find it both validating and overwhelming. I appreciate that Solomon went ahead of me and shared his finding: money, status, sucess, is "all meaningless." I am challenged by the way he balances it out. No excuses for laziness!

I also am humbled to hear him say that, to find enjoyment and happiness in things life has brought me, is a gift of God. I enjoy life a lot: two beautiful girls, Bradford pears in blossom, our trunkless tree in bud, birds at the birdfeeder, a husband who makes me love him because of his love for me....I could go on. To know that my capacity to enjoy all of this, in and of itself is a gift of God to me, is overwhelming me with humility and gratitude. No pride for my "choosing" of better things, or my "wisdom" to "stop and smell the roses". It is all a gift. Thanks, Lord.!

However, Solomon's message is overwhelming: everyday, I have the opportunity to practice: "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." I have the opportunity to model to my girls to pursue things of value, rather than meaningless. I have a responsibility to help them understand that this life has an ending, but in Jesus, their choices will carry over to eternity to bless them (or not---that is terrifying!)

Everyday, the world opens up anew, and I am helping them chart the course, to stop and see and receive the blessings God has given, to discover the capacity both innate and given, to enjoy God and His world and His truths and the insights He imparts to our spirits. I don't always make such profound choices for myself, but it is my current job to help them do this. Overwhelming, but a privilige.

Lord, Thanks, and Help! Please empower me with Your Spirit to make choices that will also guide my girls to see You, embrace You, and choose lives of meaning. Thank you that you have given us Jesus, and thus we see things Solomon did not, and can go beyond this temporary world. Please continue to bless me, and please bless my girls, with the ability to enjoy the gifts of life.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Kids. Pets. Cleaning. Sometimes it is enough to know what something is not, rather than what it is. Pet lovers know what I am talking about. :-)

I can see that application in medical terms.

I am thinking about how it applies spiritually. I think at least one thing is this: we are warned in scripture to be on guard, to be discerning. Knowing scripture....knowing God, revealed through His word....well enough, to see something and know it is not of Him, saves us a lot of time in areas He would not have us dwell (or which would otherwise be dangerous, depending on which way you take the illustration).

I am thankful that not everything warrents my thorough attention until I feel it is resolved. Sometimes, a look and a quick tending to is enough. Sometimes, other things are more important, and we can move on quickly. It is good to be able to "just not worry about it!"

Lord, Help me know you and your word well enough to know You, and what is of You and what is not, and if "here" is where you would have me spend my time.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Last night, we hosted our small group at our home. Yesterday afternoon, our two year old came down with a virus that gave her aches and a high fever. We tried to call and cancel/reshuffle the meeting place, so that others were not exposed, but we couldn't connect with the right person at the right time, so we just went ahead.

It was hard. Getting ready, mopping, straightening, etc., with my little girl trying to be brave, but feeling awful. We rock our babies at our house, and that is what I wanted to do, and I did in fact, give up on the kitchen floor.

As hard as it was, we were extremely blessed in the end. When people arrived, they were concerned, pitched in with last minute details, and allowed me rock my baby girl, offering to get me drinks, food, etc. At one moment, when I was debating about what to do, I asked everyone/no one in particular, if she felt hot to them. All at the same moment, three loving hands reached out to feel her warm skin. (The consensus was she was warmer than our thermometer was reading).

What a blessing to be part of a warm, loving community. I realize that a fever is "nothing" compared to what some have recently endured with their kids at our church, but at that moment, it was a little alarming, and very comforting to be surrounded with others who cared about us and her. I think it was very much like what Jesus intended.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The girls are sick. Again. I really don't mean to complain. We are not the only family in Abilene to be playing "hot potato" with the viruses this season. And, this too will pass. Before we know it, we'll be comforting long distance...the girls in college, or married, and it will hurt my heart to not be able to be there for them.

As I cleaned the house the other day, though, I was reminded of the simple truth of the gospel.

The rag I grabbed to clean the high chair tray had been used to clean the counter. The counter of course had multiple things on it, germs included. I choose to trust my cleaning products to kill all those nasty things. However, I once watched Oprah. Her guests that day were scientists with those little scrapers and petri dishes. The nasty things they found in various places was enough to make me a just a little paranoid, not to mention, grossed out! Sometimes, ignorance is bliss!

What I despaired of at that moment was my ability to ever have our home truly clean! Unless I stop changing diapers, wiping noses, and hugging and kissing my girls, there is no way I can truly be germ free. So, I had to resign myself that we will have to live with germs and do our best.

I would love to hear a biologist fill in the gaps here....about how the germs and viruses interact with healthy cells and somehow make us stronger (strengthen our immunity). As is always the case, the closer we look at God's design, the more amazing it is, and the more we can learn.

But, not being a biologist, I will move onto gratitude. What I felt I needed that day in my home, Jesus HAS done for us spiritually! I am grateful that Jesus came to earth and lived His life in purity, chose the cross, and was raised again, so that I can receive cleansing of my dirt and sin. I am grateful beyond words that God will look at Jesus, not me, when the question comes : am I clean enough, uncontaminated enough, to be allowed into His kindgom or not?

And, as well as grateful, I am amazed and touched by Jesus' love and sinless life. He chose to come, be with us--among the germs (did Jesus ever have a cold???) , hugging, touching, interacting, and never once became "contanimated" in any way that would make His sacrifice for our lives impure. That is love and strength and Jesus-God, in One.

Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


A book I hope to soon read

Last night I searched a popular website for a book. The title, Sleeping with Bread, was recommended to me by a friend. We had both been in a class at church which focused on spiritual formation in children. One of the things she had implemented with her kids was ending the day with questions, i.e., what made you happy (or sad) today, then praying with them about the ensuing discussion. The point is helping us to see God at work in our everyday lives.

Since the class, I have done the same thing with my 2 year old. Though she is not very verbal yet, I have been blessed by her responses: "What made you happy today that we should tell God thank you for?" "Daddy!" "Bee" (her little sister), or "Woo-Woo's" (our puppies...they bark: woo, woo, woo--probably much to some of our neighbors' chagrin, I am afraid. Fortunately, there are severl woo-woo's in our neighborhood!) Or, "what made you feel sad?" "Hit."

The book is on the popular book site (starts with an A...). The excerpt I read made the process of discussion make even more sense. I look forward to getting it.

Lord, help ME and my children practice seeing you in everyday life.

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